Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Last updated at: 25 May 2018

In accordance with the legislation in force concerning the Protection of Personal Data, the Europe Tourisme SAS company operating the sites, and its subdomains inform Users of its online platform and its Extranet on the Policy of Privacy and Data Protection that will apply when processing the personal data that the User voluntarily provides by accessing the aforementioned websites or the corresponding mobile application.

The User, by providing the company, one of its subsidiaries or one of its sites, his personal data through the electronic forms of the Web, expressly consents that Europe Tourism SAS, or one of its subsidiaries, may process this data in the terms of this Privacy Policy and Data Protection clause.

Before registering or placing an order with Europe Tourisme SAS, any of its affiliates or any of its sites, Users must read this Privacy and Data Protection Policy and accept it by ticking the box in the registration form.

By registering, the User will have to provide some data for the creation of his profile and the payment of orders. On the one hand, with regard to Private Clients, they must provide the following data: first name, last name, telephone number, country of origin, residence address during their stay and credit card number. In addition, employees of third companies falling within the scope of the URSSAF circular n ° 20120000042 may be required to provide their social security number, date and place of birth.

As for professional clients, they may be required to provide the following data: first name, last name, address, telephone number, bank account number, SIRET. In addition, Europe Tourisme SAS or one of its subsidiaries or one of its sites, with the authorization of Users, may collect data related to their location, including the real-time geographical location of their computer or device mobile.

When the registration is complete or when the order has been placed, any User may contact us to access his profile, complete it and / or edit it according to his preferences.

The User undertakes to enter real and true data. In addition, he will be solely responsible for damage and prejudice that Europe Tourisme SAS, one of its subsidiaries or one of its sites, or third parties may suffer due to lack of truth, inaccuracy, lack of validity and authenticity of the data provided.

The data collected by Europe Tourisme SAS, one of its subsidiaries or one of its sites, will be used exclusively for the fulfillment of the object defined in the General Conditions of Use of the Web which can be consulted here :

  • Legislation applicable to users' personal data (Protection of Personal Data)
  • Who is responsible for user data?
  • What is the legitimacy of data processing?
  • What personal information does SAS Tourism Europe collect about its users?
  • Why does Europe Tourism SAS collect information about its users?
  • Are the informations received shared?
  • What are the rights of Users?
  • How is the protection of users' personal data ensured?
  • Notifications and amendments
Legislation applicable to users' personal data (Protection of Personal Data)

Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or sites show their commitment to comply with the legislation in force at all times in terms of data protection. The users are informed that the personal data provided on the Web will be the object of an automated processing and will integrate the files belonging to Europe Tourism SAS, its subsidiaries or its Internet sites, for the own purposes of managing the users registered on the website

Basic Information on Data Protection
Identity Europe Tourisme SAS
SIRET 798030748000015
Purpose Management of requested services
Legitimacy Respect for the contractual relationship, the legitimate interest and the consent of the User
Right Access, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights, as described in additional information
Additional information Additional and detailed informations about data protection are available in the upcoming sections

In accordance with the applicable legislation, hereinafter the Privacy Policy that Europe Tourism SAS, its subsidiaries or websites use in the processing of the data of Users registered on their Platform.

Who is responsible for User Data?

Any personal information provided and collected will be processed by Europe Tourism SAS, controller, showing the contact information below :

Responsable du traitement des données personnelles Responsible for the treatment of Personal Data
Identity Europe Tourisme SAS
SIRET 798030748000015
Postal Address 67 rue d’Argout
75002 Paris
Telephone (+33) 179758000
Email Contact
What personal information do we collect about users?

The platforms made available by Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites are used by Users, Service Providers and Resellers. The information that Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites receive from its users is collected as indicated below.

Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites collect information from the user that this contributes directly and another that is indirectly contributed by the use of the services made available.

a) Information that the user transmits directly
  • Données d’inscription: les informations que l’utilisateur fournit lors de la création du compte : nom d’utilisateur et l’adresse e-mail.
  • Data from the user profile: The information that users add to the platform for the purpose of using the services provided. That is the phone number of the user and the delivery address of the user. The user can view and modify the personal data of his profile whenever he wants. We do not store the credit card data of the User, but they are sent to authorized electronic payment service providers, who will store the data to facilitate the process of payment to the user and will manage it on behalf of Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites. In no case these data are stored in the servers of Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites. The User may, at any time, delete the data from his cards linked to his account. With this action, the service providers will delete the data and it will be necessary to re-enter them or select them to place new orders.
  • Additional information that the user wants to share: The information that the user provides to Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites for another purpose. For example, a photograph of him or the billing address, in case the user requests to receive invoices.
  • Information about communications with Europe Tourism SAS, its subsidiaries or websites: We will have access to the information that users provide for the resolution of doubts or complaints about the use of services.
The processing of these data by Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites is necessary in order to respect the established contractual relationship. If the User does not provide them, the services requested may not be available and we will not be able to provide them.
b) Information that the user indirectly transmits
  • Usage data: Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites collect usage data about the user when he / she interacts with the services made available
  • Use and data device: Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites collect data from the devices that the user uses to access the services provided:
    • The IP address that the user uses to connect to the internet with their computer or phone.
    • Information about the user's computer or phone, such as their internet connection, browser type, version and operating system, and device type.
    • The full Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) navigation path, including the date and time.
    • Data from the user account: The information of the orders made by the user, as well as the evaluations and / or comments that the user makes on his orders.
    • Browsing history and user preferences.
  • Basic data: If the user arrives on the site the services made available from an external source (such as a link on another site or in an email), we record the information on the source that has returned the user to Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites.
  • Data from Incident Management and Contacts: if the User communicates via the Contact Form or the instant messenger, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites will collect the messages received in the format used by the User and may use and store them to handle current or future incidents.
  • Data derived from "cookies": Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites use their own cookies and those of third parties to facilitate the navigation of its users and for statistical purposes.
  • Information from third parties: Europe Tourisme SAS, its affiliates or websites may collect personal information or data from third parties if the user gives permission to third parties to share this information with us. For example, in the case where the user creates an account through Facebook, Facebook could provide us with personal data about this user in case he has them on his Facebook profile (name, gender, age, ...).
    Similarly, if the user accesses the serices made available through the products and services offered by Google, the latter can send navigation data to Europe Tourism SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites, with access to the platform via the links created by Google.
  • The information provided by the external party may be controlled by the User in accordance with his own privacy policy.
  • Geolocation data: In the case where the users authorize it, it will be possible to collect the data related to their position, including the real-time geographic location of the user's computer or mobile phone.
    These data are processed to respect the contractual relationship established with the user.
Why are informations about Users collected?
  1. Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites use the information collected about its users so that they can access and communicate with the services provided and perform the services requested. This information will also be used to show the User all orders placed via the platform and to give an opinion on the services provided by Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites.
  2. Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites also use the information to study and analyze ways to improve the services provided. In particular, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites may use the data to ensure the proper use of the products solicited in the platform (provide pharmacist advice, guarantee delivery to people over 18, ...).
    Thus, when Europe Tourism SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites play the role of intermediary in the realization of services or activities, it expressly authorizes Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites to transmit its data to the organizer of the activity so that the latter, responsible for carrying out the service, can get in touch with the buyer, when he considers that it is necessary, without the organizer being able to use the data to other purposes than to provide the necessary advice for the provision of the entrusted service.
  3. Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites may use the information of users for internal purposes to ensure that the services provided are secure and operational (eg testing, fraud prevention, abusive activities, phishing).
  4. Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites perform statistical analyzes of the information collected in order to study user behavior and trends and to better understand the use of services by users. Thus, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites may use the data provided to manage incidents that may occur in the provision of services.
  5. Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites may use the personal data provided by the User for the purpose of contacting them by email and / or SMS to inform them about the operation of the service. Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites send messages to the User's mobile phone to inform him about the progress of his order, and once the order has been delivered, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites sends an email can send to the User including a summary of the order and a receipt indicating the price of the order. By registering on Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites, the User accepts this privacy policy and therefore authorizes Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites to send him these two communications.
  6. With the agreement of the User, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites are likely to send promotional messages and / or offers concerning the proposed service to the email address of the User. If a User Europe Tourism SAS, its subsidiaries or websites does not wish to receive such information and / or commercial communications, it may at any time unsubscribe by clicking on the link "unsubscribe" in the email; therefore, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites will immediately stop sending this type of information.
  7. In addition, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites, with the prior consent of the user, may use the delivery address of the order entered by the user for the purpose of doing promotional activities.
  8. As explained above, if you connect your account to your account on social networks or a third-party platform, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites may use the information made available by the User on social networks. question or the third party platform and that the social networks in question or the third platform has made available to Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites, in accordance with the privacy settings and other parameters applicable to your account on social networks. question or the third platform.
  9. If the shareholding of Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites changes, or if all or almost all of the assets of Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites are bought by a third party, Users are informed of the transfer informations. The new manager will provide Users with his identification data. Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites declare that they will inform the relevant Control Authority. Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites will inform Users of the responsible change of person at the moment it occurs.
  10. Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites do not use User Data for purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use.

The treatments defined in this point are carried out by Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites or by third parties on behalf of Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites, as described in the following point, given the interest legitimate Tourisme SAS SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites to improve the services offered to Users, as well as to improve their platform usage experience and to comply with the contractual relationship established between the user and Europe Tourisme SAS , its subsidiaries or its websites.

Does Europe Tourism SAS, its subsidiaries or websites share the information in their possession?

As indicated in the previous section, the personal data collected by Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites are exclusively used for the purposes of executing the service as defined in the "Terms of Use".

For the good development of the contractual relationship and the excellence of the service delivery, as well as the legitimate interest of Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites, certain data of the User can be shared with :

  • Its service providers: the suppliers of Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites that execute the service. The latter will have access to the personal information of the required User only in the context of the execution of their missions. The service providers undertake to process the personal information in accordance with this Declaration on the Protection of Personal Data and the legislation in force.
  • The User may receive e-mails from Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites and / or the Service Provider to confirm the order, organize the return of the products or seek the opinion of the user on the proposed service or receive a summary of the order.
  • SAS Tourism Europe, its subsidiaries or its websites ensure that all partners, commercial, technical, suppliers or other relevant third parties are contractually obliged to treat the information shared with them in accordance with the indications given by Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites, this Declaration on the Protection of Personal Data, and the legislation in force.
  • In the choice of service providers, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites may transfer user data outside the boundaries of the European Economic Area. In these cases, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites will ensure that these service providers comply with the minimum security standards established by the European Commission and that they process the data always according to the instructions provided by Europe Tourisme SAS.
  • Payment Gateway: Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites do not store users' credit card data, nor any data that could allow the identification of the payment method with the identity of the holder. Nevertheless, the credit card data (name and date of lapse) are stored by the payment service provider, the security measures of which are high as PC1 Compliant in agreement with the Data Security Standard for the industry Payment Cards or PCI DSS. If the User requests to delete the data corresponding to the payment methods he has entered in his profile, the payment service provider will delete this data from his servers.
  • Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites may share information with public authorities and / or third parties about ongoing proceedings to investigate any type of alleged illicit activities.
  • Call center and incident management services: To provide customer service and a call center, and as part of actions to measure user satisfaction and the provision of administrative support services, Europe Tourisme SAS , its subsidiaries or websites may disclose user data to companies located in countries outside the EEA, provided that they are authorized and that the security requirements mentioned in the previous paragraph are met.
  • Service Providers for Fraud Control: Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or websites will share Users' data with the providers that offer fraud control services, to study the risk of the transactions that are performed.
  • Service Providers for the anonymisation of certain data: to avoid misuse of User data by third-party service providers, Europe Tourisme SAS, its affiliates or its websites may assign Users' data so that they may be anonymized and used only for the provision of the service to users. For example, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites may assign to third parties the telephone number of the Users to anonymize them and provide them in this format to the suppliers used to comply with the services contracted by the Users.
  • Users' data is stored on servers that comply with applicable data protection legislation and the commitments set forth in the Data Privacy Policy.

None of these data transfers include the sale, rental, sharing or similar of personal data for any commercial purpose, contrary to the terms of this Privacy Statement.

Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites share Users' information as described in order to comply with applicable regulations, to help Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites to improve the supply of its services, to respect the relationship contractual relationship with the User.

What rights do users have?

How long will Europe Tourism SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites keep the data ?
The personal data provided will be kept as long as the User does not request its deletion for a period of 24 months since his last interaction with the Platform.
In case of withdrawal of consent or opposition to treatment, the data will be blocked and will cease to be processed, and will be kept for a period of 4 years in order to claim or defend against any claims

Right to withdraw your consent
At any time, the user may withdraw his consent for the processing of data by Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites.
For its withdrawal, it will be sufficient for the User to contact us by email at The withdrawal of consent may be made at any time by the interested party. Users agree that the withdrawal of consent implies that Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites can no longer provide the services

What information do users have access to?
Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites give the user access to a large amount of information relating to his account and his past orders, so that he can consult them, and in some cases modify them.
Any user can access the platform and create an account. The information and data then provided by the user are in this sense permanently available.

Rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, opposition and right to portability of data
The right of access is conceived as the right that the user must ask Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites if it processes its data, as well as the information provided for in article 15 of the regulation.
In accordance with Article 16 of the Regulation, the user may ask Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites to rectify the data present in its database if they are incomplete. The right of cancellation authorizes the user to ask Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites the deletion of his personal data in the cases provided by the regulation. If the user so requests, on the basis of the conditions of the regulation, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites will limit the use of its data to that established in this article.
The regulation regulates the right to portability that users have, which will allow them to ask Europe Tourism SAS, its subsidiaries or websites to send all the data they have in a structured format and an automatic reading, which can request that they be forwarded to another responsible party.
The user will also have the right to oppose the processing of personal data held by Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites in its power, as established in the regulations. The exercise of these is very personal, so it will be necessary for the affected party to prove their identity.
The exercise of these rights must be made in writing signed by the owner of the data, indicating their address, enclosing a copy of their national identity document or another document in support, to Europe Tourisme SAS, via their contact form or the offices of Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites.

What options do users have?
As mentioned in the previous section, if the user wishes to no longer receive emails from Europe Tourism SAS, its subsidiaries or websites, it can adjust its subscription preferences by contacting us.
In addition, Users may choose not to share their location with Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites. Most mobile devices offer the user the ability to disable geolocation services.This option is commonly available in the device setup menu. If in doubt about the procedure to be followed by Users to disable this function, it is recommended by Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites to contact the manufacturer of the device or the telecom operator. Outside the exercise of the rights described above, Users have the right to submit a claim to the supervisory authority for the knowledge of their claim.

Data protection of our users
Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites have taken all necessary measures recommended by the European Commission and the competent authority to ensure an adequate level of protection, in accordance with the nature of the personal data and the circumstances of their treatment, in order to safeguard their integrity, within the limits of current technology.The personal information provided to Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites will not be transferred to any third party without the prior consent of their owner.

Notifications and amendments
As stated earlier, all users are in the ability to exercise their rights to access, rectify, cancel or oppose any processing of their personal data. Users may exercise these rights or request further details on this Declaration via the email address
Due to the changing nature of the activity, our Privacy Statement, Cookies Use and Terms of Use change accordingly. Unless otherwise specified by the user, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites are in the possibility to send by email or by other means that ensure the reception, notifications to this one in connection with important changes and modifications to these documents. Nevertheless, Europe Tourisme SAS, its subsidiaries or its websites will not make any significant changes to its declarations and security practices which may affect the degree of protection of customer information that may have been collected in the past.

The right to register on the do-not-call list

Bloctel is a free service that allows you to register your number to oppose telephone solicitation. You can register on the website